5 Helpful Tips to Become the Top Job Candidate
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic many of us have experienced some kind of shift in our professional lives. Some of us have been fortunate enough to manage this new norm more seamlessly than others. Nevertheless, if you are seeking a new work opportunity, I wholeheartedly believe these quick tips can benefit you.
1. Resume
A dynamite resume is essential to landing a great job opportunity. If you would like to improve the overall appearance of your resume consider using an online resource like Resume Genius to increase your chances of being ”an outstanding candidate.”
2. Self Confidence
In the words of 8x time Olympic gold medalist Usian Bolt, “I know what I can do, so I never doubt myself.” This is the energy and mindset needed going into the recruiting process for a job. Believe it, seek it, and achieve it, you got this!
3. Meditation/Prayer
The journey to get a job can be frustrating, and your mind can sometimes get the best of you. Connect with some zen or get into a spiritual place. Don't allow any of those negative thoughts to seep in. The right opportunity and position will all align in your favor. If you are in Chicago, the Meditational Center of Chicago has great reviews and is now having virtual meditation classes.
4. Interview Yourself
Many people have heard the phrase “practice makes perfect” and that mantra even applies to locking down a great job. So practice your responses to typical interview questions! You can do this by yourself in the mirror or with a partner. Be sure to review the job description for the job you applied for and think of some potential questions you may want to ask an interviewer. Having a couple questions ready for an interviewer is a great way to show you’re interest in a job
5. Know Your Market
Check out your prospective industry in your city. For example, the city of Chicago has experienced a drop in employment across all industries. This will help gauge where you should direct your efforts in search of a good job.