Women of 7th Congressional District continue the Sister March in Chicago for equality at 345 Art Gallery

alt text By Sabrina Hart, Reporter, The Real Chi

On Jan. 18, Women of the 7th Congressional District IL gathered together for the 4th Annual Sister March at the 345 Art Gallery in North Lawndale for a rally. Rally attendees chanted and cheered to bring awareness to a number of issues affecting women today, including equal pay and early child care, on the surrounding blocks near the gallery. The Sister’s March in Chicago was organized to be in solidarity with National Women’s March in Washington, D.C. to continue the movement that began in 2016. According to Mary Gardner, the convener of the Women of the 7th Congressional District IL group, the legacy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. established in the community when he lived in Chicago in 1966, created the perfect foundation for the rally because it drives home the idea behind peaceful protesting and strength of purpose.

Several of the women in the 7th Congressional District IL also participated in the National Women’s March on President Donald Trump’s first day in office back in 2016. The inspiration for the march was largely in protest of Trump’s election and the crude language he used to refer to women in a leaked audio recording from 2005. With these issues among others affecting women daily and March being Women’s History Month, Gardener’s group intends to highlight how black women are impacted in particular. Gardener also wants young women all across the world to continue to protest for their rights while building foundations for the next generation.

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