Single mother asks for appreciation during Women’s History Month
Lina and her son Angelo go to a pumpkin patch on the last hot day of October.
There is a misconception that women are designed to tackle life with children at their side, but they are under appreciated at times like these. Because single mothers are expected to be strong, they can’t quit on their children.
Lina Mena, a single mother with a two-year-old son, likes to feel appreciated daily, especially during Women’s History Month because of the constant work she does as a mother, an employee, a sister, and a daughter.
Times have especially been difficult for Lina because of the effects of COVID-19. Being the only adult in the household with a toddler, she’s often overwhelmed by the amount of housework she needs to take care of. While going to the grocery store during the pandemic, she also has to be extra cautious for the sake of her son, Angelo.
During the pandemic, she’s been at home most of the time. Normally, she’d go to a friend or her sisters home to visit if there wasn’t a pandemic. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much free time away from home because of it.
A relaxing day for Lina usually consists of a store run to Target, watching a movie, and maybe some wine. She’d prefer to have a friend or family member to keep her company while she has a babysitter for her son. By the time he’s awake, she’s back to her common duties for the day.
Lina is a busy woman, and she understands that other women are as well. But she urges women to put time aside for themselves especially during women’s history month. It’s a vital time for women to relax after days and weeks of a busy schedule. Women should be encouraged to love themselves this month.