ANNOUNCEMENT: Free Spirit Media's first ever Facebook Live-a-Thon for #ILGive
by FSM Communications
Free Spirit Media is hosting our first ever Facebook Live-a-Thon for this year's #ILGive on Giving Tuesday, the a global day of giving following Thanksgiving! Tune in at 1PM for live donation tracking, announcements, special guests and more! Remember to RSVP and invite your friends!
Be sure to mark your calendars and tell your friends and family to consider giving to FSM this year! If you are interested in becoming an ambassador for us and joining our fundraising team, head to our #ILGive page ( and click the fundraise button. By signing up, you will receive information on how to participate in our #ILGive campaign! We need as many team members as possible.
We are also excited to announce that board members Gabrielle Lyons, Liz Tate, Michael Nabasny, Kati Rooney, Qadree Holmes, Jeff McCarter, Judd Kohn, Skyler Dees, Jon Desir, Stacey Bolton, Jon Siskel, Darrick Hooker, and Marty Gutierrez will be matching donations up to $100 throughout the day!
“I have served as a board member of Free Spirit Media since 2008 which is longer than I have served on any board or even volunteered for any one organization! I continue to volunteer on behalf of this organization because I have seen the results! FSM is a well run non-for-profit that provides much needed opportunities for young people in some of Chicago’s most under-resourced neighborhoods. I have lived in Chicago since the mid 80’s and have seen first hand what happens when kids do not have options and opportunities. Their world is constrained by gang boundaries, poverty, fear and violence and the wonderful opportunities sometimes just a few miles away seem as far away as another state or even country. Chicago is a tale of two cities.
FSM introduces these young people to the world of media making right outside their door- helping them find their voice and tell their stories while also connecting them to media professionals in Chicago that serve as their mentors. FSM has grown tremendously since it’s inception in 2000 but what I have seen first hand is a youth media organization that has risen to the top locally and nationally because it stays true to it’s mission and grows in a smart way intended to provide more and better options to the young people it serves.”