FSM News West participates in cultural exchange with WorldChicago visitors
By FSM Communications
For the past few years, WorldChicago, a nonprofit organization "dedicated to promoting citizen diplomacy through programs that connect the Chicago community with the world," has facilitated two visits to the FSM News West summer documentary program. This year, our teen participants welcomed around 10 visitors from Saudi Arabia on July 23rd and 11 British teens from the UK-US Youth Dialogue Programme on July 25th.
Our visitors learned about Free Spirit Media and our programs on the West and South sides of Chicago. In turn, our participants got to meet people from across the world, and learned things like how the British call sneakers "trainers."
After introductions and some funny icebreaker games, FSM News West and our guests split up into four groups to plan and shoot short videos. Topics ranged from a horror movie to a silly slapping fest over cockroaches to not one but two "In My Feelings" challenge videos!
Then over lunch, we watched and laughed over some of the footage before our visitors had to leave. Some shared social media information to stay in touch and see what life is like on the other side of the world.
These exchanges proved to be an enjoyable and engaging experience for our participants. Reflecting on the visit, reporter Jaliyah said, "It was great because we had fun with the visitors. It was a good experience for us to meet kids from London and Saudi Arabia." Editor Valeria said they were relatable, showing that teens across the world share similar experiences. Camera operator Gina thought, "It was nice to hear that both groups really enjoyed their stay in Chicago."
FSM News West crew with visitors from Saudi Arabia
FSM News West crew with visitors from the UK