Chicagoans talk about life after the legalization of cannabis
For many cannabis users world wide April 20th (420) is a date to celebrate, and indulge in cannabis. In Chicago, cannabis has been legal for recreational use since January 2020, so I decided to go speak to a few 420 friendly Chicagoans about how they feel the legalization of cannabis has affected the city, and how they plan to spend their day.
The first person I spoke to was Raychel Calvin, 24, who considers herself a moderate to heavy cannabis user.
Photo Provided by Raychel Calvin
Brown: In your opinion, how has Chicago Adapted since legalizing weed in 2020?
Calvin: It has opened a Market for people who needed Marijuanna for Medical and Recreational reasons to cope with the different traumas placed on Chicagoians just by living here. It has opened up a lot of therapeutic avenues to help instead of just smoking weed for example there are edibles and vapes, Science has really evolved since legalization.
Brown: How often do you go to the Dispensaries in the Chicago Area?
Calvin: I do not go to the dispensaries very often in Chicago because I don’t like how government controlled they are.
Brown: Do you have a dispensary you would like to suggest?
Calvin: Mission Dispensary on the South Side is really good at informing customers of the different ways and benefits you can get from using cannabis.
Brown: How are you spending your 420 in chicago?
Calvin: Different events, smoking all day with my homies. Enjoying everything cannabis has to offer.
The next person I talked to was Jason Mcgee, 24, who considers himself a heavy everyday smoker.
Photo provided by Jason Mcgee
Brown: In your opinion, how has Chicago adapted since legalizing weed in 2020?
Mcgee: It’s more safe to be out & about with weed since it’s been legal, because before you could get caught with the smallest amount and you’d be going straight to jail, for something that should have never been illegal in the first place.
Brown: How often do you go to the Dispensaries in the Chicago Area?
Mcgee: I’ve never been to one but I've smoked a couple of joints from the Dispensary on Western and Ogden, and it was pretty decent. I do not go to them often because they are often out the way and over taxed.
Brown: How are you spending your 420 in chicago?
Mcgee: Smoking as usual.